Background information on Clipperton
Island can be found here:
As you may be aware, there is another
serious DXpedition to activate Clipperton Island under
the callsign TX5K at the beginning of March of 2013:
The TX5K team says they are pleased and very excited to
have W7GJ join the team to ensure that the DXpedition is
active and successful on 6m. I am very grateful
the TX5K for their support and encouragement. It
is their understanding and consideration that will make
the 6m operation a success. The appreciate that I
need to be far away from the HF group so I can be
assured a very low noise floor and a location with
excellent ground gain - at least on moonrise. I am
planning to take
my portable 6m EME station, to activate TX5K on
6m. This is only possible, thanks to the generous
support of many dedicated 6m enthusiasts, and I am
greatly in your debt! Rest assured, I will do
everything in my power to put Clipperton on 6m and
contact you one way or another:
There may be a chance of some F2
propagation by next March, and I certainly am committed
to spending an inordinate amount of time trying to
work it! However, even if there is no F2,
there are some good EME windows with everyone around the
world (especially during the first few days of the trip)
and I have the proven ability (E51SIX, 3D2GJ, 5W0GJ,
E6M) to work single yagi stations on JT65A mode when the
moon is near their horizon by using my portable 6m
DXpedition station. So anybody who is seriously
interested in 6m should have a good opportunity to work
one way or another. I have been assured that I
will be able to operate 6m full time, so am very hopeful
that many people will be able to add Clipperton to their
6m DXCC totals.
The 6m station is essentially
the same as that used on my other 6m EME
DXpeditions, except that I am also taking a
paddle for CW, and I also will use the
computer keyboard for sending and logging
CW. The 6M-1000 has been modified by M2
for overseas use, and provides a solid KW
output on JT65A mode with under 3 watts of
drive. The transceiver this time will
still be the reliable K3 and PR6 preamp. The
K3's flat, wide bandwidth is ideally suited to
copying multiple JT65A mode callers spread out
every 200 Hz from about -800 Hz to +800
Hz. The antenna again is my
yagi fed with LMR600 low loss cable and
home-made manual
elevation mount. I also have
purchased a Honda
EB3000c 125 VAC 3kw
generator for operating 6m at TX5K (and built
a shipping crate for it), and a MeanWell
RSP-2000-48 power supply that runs off 120 VAC
so I can use it with the generator to power
the 6M-1000.
Thanks to the generous support of RF CONCEPTS,
I also will be using an ALPHA
8406 as the primary
amplifier. Although limited by my 125
VAC generator, tests here have demonstrated
that it is capable of a solid kw output on
JT65A mode (and more on SSB and CW). If
anything, this configuration will give me a
bit more output than on my previous 6m
As you can see from reviewing the trip
reports from my previous 6m EME
operations from E51SIX, 3D2LR, 5W0GJ and E6M, many
contacts were made with single yagi horizon-only
stations. The smallest station contacted
from all four of those places was N3CXV with his
single 6M5X yagi. If you have a good
yagi, good ground gain, good power and lots of
patience, we should be able to complete via EME,
although the Degradation will be higher at the
time of the Clipperton operation. If there
is ionospheric propagation, the EME station should
be very effective on F2!

Operating Location
The actual 6m operating site will probably not be
finalized until landing, although the most southern tip
is my first choice for the 6m station location, with the
most northern tip being my other choice. Note that
the entire island is in main Maidenhead grid locator
DK50, and most of the atoll is in subgrid DK50jh; only
the southernmost tip of the island is in DK50jg.
So, as far as WSJT modes are concerned, either grid
locator will adequately work with callsign TX5K.
When making 6m contacts on ionospheric propagation,
please do not waste time exchanging grid locators with
us. You just learned that we will be in DK50, and
we will not be logging your grid and don't care what it
is. I am only interested in making a simple
technical contact with you on 6m ;-) Also, whether
via ionospheric or EME propagation, please do not call
after you have already made a good contact - in other
words - NO DUPES PLEASE! Let's try to let as many
people as possible get a first contact with this rare
DXCC now during these very challenging propagation

As you can see from the above map, there will be very
little need to aim between 150 and 220 degrees
azimuth. There also is a "dead zone" between 310
degrees (toward JA) and 340 degrees (toward W6).
Therefore, ideally, efforts will be made to locate the
station so that the generator and operating tent are at
an azimuth of 325 degrees from the antenna, while still
affording shots over the ocean on moonset and
moonrise. The location shown here
affords the highest ground, along with a clear shot
toward USA from Florida on around through north.
Operating Schedule &
A tentative 6m Operating Schedule in
UTC is shown below. However, I am anticipating very
difficult operating conditions, and the schedule is
subject to weather, landing and unloading delays.
So there may be periods when I am unable to follow the
schedule exactly as planned. I also have to sleep
sometime and/or go off to get food/water/fuel, so please
be patient with me! I am hoping to set up by
myself far from the HF operations in order to achieve a
low receiver noise floor. I will be trying to
dodge crabs and rats during all the moonrise periods
when I am out trying to adjust the antenna but
fortunately, JT65A will continue to operate while
I am outside moving the lines on the antenna to aim
it. Please be patient with me if we have to
frequently disconnect and go off the air....there are
plenty of tropical storms down there, and my antenna
(and even my backpacking tent) will be the highest thing
for 1/2 mile.
Anticipated EME operations during my MOONRISE and MOONSET are
shown. Times shown during MOONRISE periods start
with my moonrise and end with moonset in Europe.
Times shown during MOONSET
periods start with the moon at 20 degrees
elevation in New England, and end with my actual moonset
at TX5K (which is also often very similar to moonset
along the west coast of North America). Note that
the last moonset is also during sunset, so there may be
solar noise and/or ionospheric propagation during that
period (although I have very successfully operated 6m
EME during such times in the past anyway). If you
wish to contact me by 6m EME and you don't see that I
have shown an EME operating time that works for you,
please let me know - I will do my best to accommodate
everyone's needs to the best of my ability.
NOTE: If you are in
North America and have the choice to contact me on
either your moonrise or moonset, please consider your
moonset first (unless you are in western USA and your
moonrise is after the EU moonset). It is true that
my moonrise windows will be in total darkness, and will
undoubtedly be free from any interference from
ionospheric activity. However, notice that my MOONRISE periods will
probably be very busy with EU callers. There
will be no windows with EU on their moonrise, so I will
normally give priority to any EU stations I decode (at
least if they are copying me).
Expected EME operation will take place on 50.190 and
TX5K will always TX FIRST sequence JT65A mode.
Anyone seriously interested in completing via EME is
encouraged to call during the first few days of
operation, as the Degradation becomes excessive during
the middle of the trip. EME operation during the
times shown during the first half of the trip will take
priority, because these times are the only windows with
eastern Europe, and little chance of ionospheric
propagation is anticipated then. The EME
operation shown during the latter days of the trip is
contingent on there not being any ionospheric
propagation at those times, which will take priortiy on
those days. Continued EME operation during
the second half of the trip also will be contingent on
the amount of activity - especially after European
moonset. Similarly, the amount of EME operation
between the EU moonset and the beginning of NA moonset
(times shown with an asterisk *) will be contingent on
the amount of continued EME activity seen during those
periods. Especially after March 6, if you hear me
calling CQ on JT65A via some ionospheric mode, please
call me on JT65A or try to answer me on some other mode.
Anticipated ionospheric operation (and beaconing) is
planned to take place on 50.117. Beacon operation
in most cases will be an attended "breakable beacon" so
please make noise on whatever mode you have available to
"break" it. I suspect it may be necessary to lower
the power during beacon operation in order to save on
generator fuel. Therefore, signals may not be
strong enough for you to hear. Please use an aid
such as Spectran
or SpecJT (the waterfall display in WSJT)
to LOOK for
weak JT65A or CW signals that can be 10 to 15 dB too
weak to actually hear. When the beacon is not
running and I also am not transmitting somewhere, I will
be monitoring 50.110 for signs of activity.
Feb 27
Feb 28
Mar 1
Mar 2
Mar 3
Mar 4
Mar 5
Mar 6
Mar 7
Mar 8
Mar 9
Mar 10
Mar 11
0040 MS
0410 MR
0500 MR
0600 MR
0700 MR
0800 E MS
0830 E MS
0900 E MS
(ZL MR) |
1000 E MS
1000 MR
1045 MR
1000 NA MS
1130 NA MS
(ZL MR) |
1130 MR
1200 NA MS
1245 NA MS
1230 MR
1300 E MS
1430 E MS
1545 E MS
1620 MS
1600 NA MS
1705 MS
1730 NA MS
1700 E MS
1800 MS
1845 NA MS
2150 MS
2100 NA MS
2250 MS
(New Moon)
2350 MS
(New Moon)
(New Moon)
EME Operating Tips
I urge you to gain experience with JT65A
and especially review the QSO
PROCEDURE that I use most effectively on these
DXpeditions I look forward to contacting you on
6m EME. which very well may be the ONLY way that many
stations outside the TEP Zone will be able to contact
TX5K on 6m, given the low solar flux! Please use
the ON4KST
EME CHAT PAGE page to coordinate your
transmit frequency with other callers, so you do not
create QRM with another caller - ideally, stations should be spread out
every 200 Hz. Please
also keep calling me even if you copy me working
someone else. As long as you are not on the same
frequency as the other station, you will not be
interfering with them. I try to decode all
callers every receive sequence, and I make a note of
each caller and their and frequency so I can reply to
you as soon as I am able. Therefore, NEVER
change your transmit frequency after you start calling
- pick a clear frequency nobody else is using and stay
on it! I will try to contact any callers I can
copy, but first priority will be given to contributors
and stations with shorter common moon windows.
Ionospheric Operating
Whenever possible, the antenna will be directed to
the southeast for South American TEP or southwest for
Oceana between approximately 2200 and 0200Z. PY2YP
has developed an hourly PowerPoint projection of MUF's
from TX5K for March:
I will also attempt to be monitoring the DX Cluster to
watch for 6m spots of the TX5K beacon and/or other 6m
contacts (see below).
The plan is to use Wintest for logging all 6m
ionospheric contacts, whether CW, SSB or digital.
EME contacts will be made by paper log (as always), and
such completed contacts will be added manually to the
Wintest log after the fact. The log will be
transferred periodically to the main computer station
for inclusion in the overall TX5K log and uploading to
the on-line search. It may or may not be
possible for the 6m station to be connected to the
real-time network with the rest of the HF stations,
which can upload contacts almost instantaneously.
It is not anticipated that I will have any email access
from TX5K. However, I do anticipate that I will be
in contact with the HF station via a 2m HT, so if there
is a particular message being relayed via HF, I am
hopeful that the message could be passed on to me.
It is also possible that I may be on the main TX5K
network, in which case I would be able to at least VIEW
the DX CLUSTER spots, and see where the 6m propagation
is at a particular time. It also MAY even be
possible to me to access the ON4KST REGION 2 and ON4KST
EME chat pages via the TELNET client KNT2ME.
I have loaded it on my laptop and am hopeful that I will
be able to gain access to the network and that the
network will support such communications when it finally
is set up.
QSL Information
Please follow the directions on the main TX5K page:
I know I will be working very hard on my end to do what
I can to make contacts. Please spot me if you
copy anything from me or complete with me, so
others will know that I am QRV and the frequency and
mode I am on. Best wishes for successful contacts
and again, many many thanks for your GREAT
support! Hopefully I won't have the bird
problems encountered at PT0S, shown below: