The following are details of the portable
6m station first used in the VK9CGJ and VK9XGJ 6m EME
DXpeditions in 2017, and then updated since then. Focus
has been on providing the most sensitive receive station
possible along with the most reliable and efficient - while
compact and light weight - amplifier and power supplies.
ANTENNA: Since 2008, I have used an
M2 6M8GJ
yagi mounted on an M2 24' Portable
Mast . Here
is how it performed the way I set it up. At the beginning of
2020, I built a new lighter weight manual
elevation mount that allows me to elevation the antenna
to aim it at the moon as it moves across the sky and I
successfully used this mount starting in the 2021 DXpeditions
to FO. There is a complete description of how I put together
the antenna and mount, and how I raise it into position, along
with photographs of the antenna in operation here.
Here is a short video showing me raising the assembled antenna
when I was operating from Palau in 2016. You can see from the
video why it is important for me to try to find a place to set
up where I have enough open space to raise the antenna easily.
Here is a photo showing the antenna
installation in Nauru in 2018, which was erected and
operated in a much more challenging confined space than I
usually try to find. Starting with the 3B9 6m EME DXpedition
in 2023, I am using a YU7EF-designed broad band 9
element yagi on the very transportable 6M8GJ boom, with
the same M2 24' Portable Mast.
FEEDLINE: I use Times
Microwave LMR-600 Coaxial Cable with type N connectors
between the antenna and the station in order to keep the
feedline loss well under 1 dB. This is essential because the
signals coming back from the moon are very weak (and rarely
audible to the human ear) and it is essential to try to
capture as much of the signal as possible before they reach
the receiver preamplifier. I try to use as short a piece as
possible, but much of that depends on the site where I am able
to set up the station and antenna. In Nauru during 2018, in
Bolivia in 2019, and in both FO DXCC during 2021, the antenna
was close enough to the station to allow me to use only 50' of
LMR-600 Ultra Flex. In 2017 in Cocos/Keeling Islands and
Christmas Island, I had to use closer to 120', to reach an
open area large enough for the antenna. I always take 50' of
LMR-600 Ultra Flex to connect to the antenna, since it
accommodates the flexing around the elevation mount and guy
lines. When I am going to need extra feedline, I usually
take a 25' piece of standard LMR-600, which is lighter weight
than the Ultra Flex, to extend the feedline to reach to the
equipment. I also take a pair of four foot long pieces
of LMR-600 and a pair of four foot long pieces of LMR-400 to
use as interconnecting cables for the equipment and/or to
further extend the feedline if necessary.
TRANSCEIVER: To generate the RF signals on 50.190
MHz, for most DXpeditions, I used a Yaesu
FT-857 amateur radio transceiver. I have modified it
slightly as shown here,
to provide an output to automatically turn on my 50 MHz
amplifier. Starting in 2022, I have been using a QRP FDM-DUO
SDR transceiver as my transmitter.
AMPLIFIER: On most DXpeditions, I have used an M2 Inc.
amplifier to boost the maximum 50 MHz output from my
FT-857 transceiver to 1000 watts output. Due to the low duty
cycle of digital mode (transmitting only around 50 seconds
during each 2 minute period), and the additional attenuation
due to coaxial cable feedline loss to the antenna, the average
power output at the antenna typically is around 350 watts when
aimed up at the moon.
Starting in 2022, I am using a special DXpedition amplifier
custom made by DX Shop. This particular amplifier requires
about 3w drive for 1500w output. It requires 57 VDC input and
provides up to 4A at 11 VDC that can be used to power my
FDM-DUO transceiver, my Airspy R2 receiver and my external
WATTMETER: The amplifier output power and antenna
match had been monitored with a Daiwa
CN-501 dual needle wattmeter. I also have the option of
using a Bird wattmeter element and remote meter.
PREAMPLIFIER: To boost the received signal, I
use an ARR
MSP50VDG RF-switched preamplifier that I modified
to provide output to a separate receiver.
Plug & Play interface was used to
cleanly connect the audio tones generated by the digital
modes in the WSJT-X program in my computer to modulate
the USB signal of my FT-857 transceiver. The FDM-DUO has
a built-in computer interface with three USB cables.
RECEIVER: The separate
receiver I used before was a USB RTL Dongle (NooElec
NESDR SMArt - Premium RTL-SDR w/ Aluminum Enclosure 0.5PPM
TCXO ). A small 50 MHz bandpass filter from Down East Microwave
was used ahead of the RTL Dongle to prevent overload from out
of band signals. The output of the SDR receiver is processed
by the computer program SDR-Console
Version 3. The output from the SDR-Console program is
sent via Virtual
Audio Cable to the WSJT-X
computer program to decode the incoming digital signals. I
have now replaced the RTL-Dongle with an Airspy
R2 receiver, which has greater dynamic range, but
everything else in the setup is exactly the same as before.
SOFTWARE: For EME, I now use Q65-60A mode from the most
recent WSJT-X software package. There are several reasons for
using this version:
1. Q65-60A in WSJT-X is slightly more
sensitive on very weak signals than the JT65A and many of the
signals I am trying to decode with my small 6m EME station are
very weak!
2. The "Wide Graph" in WSJT-X provides
large display of the bandpass and since Q65 is half the
bandwidth of JT65A, this makes it easier for me to spot
callers who are spread out more widely.
3. Starting with WSJT-X version 2, there is
a 64 bit version, which decodes much more quickly on my 64 bit
Windows 10 laptop.
4. The new "Q65 Pileup" mode is extremely
handy with Faraday Rotation and a pileup of callers. It was
first introduced in WSJT-X Version 2.7 Instructions on how to
contact me are here.
COMPUTER: My computer had been an MSI
GP72 7RDX Leopard 17" laptop running a Windows 10
64 bit operating system. Starting with S79GJ in 2019, I was
forced to go with something more compact, so I got a DELL
XPS-13 9370. It has more than high enough resolution on
the screen for the WSJT-X WIDE GRAPH and is fast, with an
Intel 8th generation Core i7 processor. It also has two free
USB-C ports while plugged in, so I can connect a bank of
external USB ports to accommodate my Airspy R2 USB receiver as
well as the FDM-DUO transceiver.
POWER SUPPLIES: When I have access to 230 VAC, I use a
RSP-3000-48 switching power supply to provide the
DC voltage required by the amplifier. When I used the
FT-857, I used a PowerWerx
SS-30DV 110/220 VAC switching power supply to provide 12
VDC for the transceiver and preamplifier. The
VDC from the power supplies was connected to the
6M1K2 amplifier via a twisted pair of #8 stranded
copper wire cables, attached to the #10 pigtails
coming out of the amp using a 50A battery cable
connector (NAPA
#740234, like a really big Anderson
Power Pole connector). After connection
failures in VK9 with the standard Yaesu 12 VDC
molex power connector plug, I used a NAPA
#740234 for my 12 VDC connection to the
FT-857. In locations where I have only
access to 110 VAC, I use a pair of Meanwell
RSP-2000-48 connected in parallel.
These Meanwell RSP-2000-48 power supplies provided by the DX
Shop are
specially prepared to be able to handle full power
for the duration of the JT65 transmissions.
The special DX Shop DXpedition amplifier requires
57 VDC, which is provided by the Meanwell power
supplies. It also includes a built-in 12 VDC
supply to power the FDM-DUO and my external
preamplifier to the separate 12 VDC power supply
is no longer needed.
STATION SETUP: I also use ferrite filters on all
computer and power leads to prevent RF pickup/generation. Here
are photos of my station as described above, completely set up
when I operated moonbounce on 50.190 MHz from Nauru in 2018
and Seychelles in 2019.
Revised 19 May,